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Scapple Free Form Mind Mapping Tool 1 3 3

XMind, Scapple, and Freemind are probably your best bets out of the 12 options considered. 'Extremely flexible' is the primary reason people pick XMind over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. The slogan of Edraw mind map software is “Excellent Mind Map Visio Alternative For Mac, Windows, and Linux”, declaring its ambition in mind mapping. Furthermore, the outstanding merit of Mind Master is that it offers abundant pre-made examples and built-in clip arts, and you can use them to decorate your mind maps for free.

Mind Mapping

A mind map is a tool for the brain that captures the thinking that goes on inside your head. Mind mapping helps you think, collect knowledge, remember and create ideas. Most likely it will make you a better thinker.

Mind maps can be created in many different ways, but they share the same basics:

Central theme


Apple package installer. A central theme is placed in the centre of a blank page. This is the title, the subject, a problem or just a thought. When thinking of something images automatically take form in your head. For example the image of a “colorful bunch of balloons” when thinking of “birthday”.


From the central theme associations radiate out. Associations directly from the central theme are called first level associations. Then second level associations are created, third level and so on. The brain thinks by imagination and association. When associations are created, connections are made. These connections are essential for remembering and thinking.

Fig.2 Central theme & associations

Curved lines

Associations are often drawn as curved lines. They are curved rather than straight, because the brain likes curves.

Scrapple Free Form Mind Mapping Tool 1 3 3c

Fig.3 Curved lines guide the eyes smoothly from one association to the next


Mind maps summarize information. Instead of sentences, ideally only single keywords are used. A single word per association gives more freedom, creativity and clarity.

Fig 5. Sentences are difficult to read and only a very limited number of associations can be made


The length of a word ideally matches the length of a curved line. That causes associated words tobe in close proximity.

Fig 7. Words that are far apart are disconnected

7 associations

A mind map can have many first level associations, but the mind can only grasp about a maximum of 7. Debookee 7 4 1000.

Fig. 9 To many associations create chaos

Color & images

The use of color is important in the mind map. https://besteup743.weebly.com/imazing-2-1-1.html. Research shows that people who use color and images in their imagination, when they are learning, are better in remembering than those who don’t.

Fig.10 In the mind map images are used like keywords. The key image is a picture; a picture is worth a thousand words!

Sometimes it seems like the rigors of the modern workplace require our brains to be running at 110% capacity, 25 hours a day. In keeping up with such a hectic pace, it’s small wonder we even remember to eat lunch and use the bathroom, let alone take time for brainstorming new ideas. https://coolrfil578.weebly.com/keyboard-maestro-7-1-1-download-free.html. If you’ve ever wished you had Dumbledore’s Pensieve to organize your addled brainscape and extract the best ideas for later use, we’ve got good news and bad news.

SEE ALSO: Practice mindfulness with these 3D puzzles and leave your phone alone


The bad news is, the magic of Harry Potter’s wizarding world is, sadly, fictional, and thus there can be no such thing as a Pensieve. Sorry. But the good news: Scapple is very much a real thing. This (figuratively) magical mind-mapping software is really cool and it’s available now for 33% off.

Where is my mind?

Mind mapping — or visual diagrams of connections between various notes, images, and snippets of info — is not just for obsessed detectives hunting down serial criminals. It’s actually a highly effective method of note-taking that organizes your thoughts in the way your brain naturally prefers: visually and contextually. You see, the human brain loves visuals like shapes, lines, icons, and pictures. In fact, research has shown that our brains are capable of processing visual information in as little as 13 milliseconds. Also, our brains are much better at storing info long-term when it’s chunked into pieces that make contextual sense together. Recall strategies like “The Memory Palace” play off this, but here’s an everyday example: Ever try to remember a specific piece of information, only to have to jog your memory through everything you did that entire day to get to it? That’s the power of context-based recall in action.

So mind mapping is a brain-compatible way to record your own thoughts and ideas, but it’s not just for doodling in your private journal. It’s also a useful visual aid for group brainstorms or presentations. Let’s say you’re trying to explain the blockchain to a bunch of tech-averse executives. If all you’ve got is a handful of PowerPoint slides, good luck with that. A mind map can distill the complexities of the process down to easily understandable ideas that you can link together to tell a complete story. They’ll understand it faster, and you’ll look like a genius just because you drew some pretty pictures on a marker board. But if you really want to make your mind maps work for you, you need to ditch the Dry Erase method and go digital.

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This is your brain on Scapple

Scapple is a simple tool for what should be, by nature, a simple process. When you have a big idea nagging at the corners of your attention span, you have a limited amount of time to let it out before it disappears back into your subconscious, slipping right between “Don’t forget to call Mom,” and, “Did I bring an umbrella today?”

Scrapple Free Form Mind Mapping Tool 1 3 3 0

https://hereefiles721.weebly.com/bitdefender-2016-4-0-0-download-free.html. Scapple removes all the roadblocks between your thought process and your note-taking, allowing you to simply double-click in your blank document to start writing an idea. And with Scapple, there’s no litany of complicated tools to remember and master. The learning curve is basically a straight line — from your brain directly to the page.

Scrapple Free Form Mind Mapping Tool 1 3 3rd

Another benefit that sets Scapple apart is its versatility. To start your mind map, you can create notes anywhere, in any order. You can move notes around or delete them entirely. You can group notes together and draw connections between them. And, most impressively, you can upload visuals in the form of JPG or PDF files and incorporate them into your mind map. It’s incredibly helpful for the flow of your mind map’s story, but it’s also just a great way to bring lots of visual assets into one central document instead of disparately floating around in your Finder folders or Gmail attachments.

Unlike mapping on paper or poster board, Scapple never runs out of space. There’s even an intuitive zoom feature that lets you hone in on one piece of the map or get a complete birds-eye-view — an essential function when your ideas are expanding by the minute.

This helpful little app is usually available for $14.99 but you can make it yours for just $9.99.

Scapple Free Form Mind Mapping Tool 1 3 3
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